Monday, 29 November 2010

The year two business party/Nick's leaving do (off to London)

Halo the Gloucester road was again the site of Wolfirdge Limited's annual blow out in Oct. This year the business anniversary co-insided with a personal move to London for Nick plus a product launch. It was the first airing for Lash Funnels. To see the video click here. A funnel if you didn't know, is a 'rapid hydration device' (RHD).....or rudimentary plumbing combined with kitchen ware which cunningly (using gravity) forces quantities of liquid at speed into willing participant/participants. For the first outing I had made a double headed funnel.....convinced of my master craftsmanship (Dad helped! FML) and hero status with mesh media (Dad filmed promo! FML)....I hadn't really done a testing other than a couple of lab bathrooms and kitchens. Therefore when over loaded with beer and around drunk people the funnel didn't fail safe! I ended up with a funnel of beer over my head and soon at loggerheads with the participant who mistakenly had blamed my wonder of engineering. I soon admitted defeat and thankfully I was rescued by a Waterpolo playing plummer (how many of those actually exist, I wonder?). In less than 10 mins he managed to make my funnel idiot proof and more effective at discharging liquid than a Peruvian watercannon. We were back in the game! I managed to not remember much more of that evening being told later that I had walked out at 2am with a bottle of Moet from the bar manager for a job well done! HOOOOORAHHHHHAAARRRRR! Watch this space for more Funnels currently working alongside another Plummer to commercially crack into the market for RHDs!

They'll certainly be a a info piece on making a funnel next month from The Lash! Keep an eye on The Lash Website

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